Switch and Swap

Animals we’re all mixed up!

TPS: 240mm x 210mm

Extent: 5 spreads + matching pieces

These books are an entertaining way to encourage young children to learn sequencing, matching and dexterity. They include 15 chunky pieces with hook and loop tabs to rearrange and match five colourful animal characters.

  • Built to be durable for use by young readers.

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Illustrated by:


Other books

in this series


Busy Pop-Up & Find

Busy Town Things to Find

TPS: 250mm x 200mm

Extent: 16pp + pop-ups

These unusual and unique pop-up books have scenes that build up as the reader turns each page. In Busy Farm children learn to count to ten, while in Busy Town they are encouraged to find and identify lots of different fun things.

  • Improves counting, word recognition and visual thinking.
  • Full of bright, colourful illustrations.

Written by:

Illustrated by:


Other books

in this series


Busy Pop-Up & Find

Busy Farm count to 10

TPS: 250mm x 200mm

Extent: 16pp + pop-ups

These unusual and unique pop-up books have scenes that build up as the reader turns each page. In Busy Farm children learn to count to ten, while in Busy Town they are encouraged to find and identify lots of different fun things.

  • Improves counting, word recognition and visual thinking.
  • Full of bright, colourful illustrations.

Written by:

Illustrated by:


Other books

in this series


Seek + Peek

Seek + Peek Jungle

TPS: 250mm x 235mm

Extent: 5 spreads + flaps and pop-ups

The titles in this series contain five tabbed spreads with fun flaps to bring them to life, and an exciting pop-up scene at the end. These unique pop-up books engage children through a series of simple questions and answers, with flaps to lift and reveal!

  • Tabbed pages for ease of use.
  • Helps children to learn their numbers or colours.

Written by:

Illustrated by:

Other books

in this series


Seek + Peek

Seek + peek Farm

TPS: 250mm x 235mm

Extent: 5 spreads + flaps and pop-ups

The titles in this series contain five tabbed spreads with fun flaps to bring them to life, and an exciting pop-up scene at the end. These unique pop-up books engage children through a series of simple questions and answers, with flaps to lift and reveal!

  • Tabbed pages for ease of use.
  • Helps children to learn their numbers or colours.

Written by:

Illustrated by:


Other books

in this series



Guess who?

TPS: 145mm x 155mm

Extent: 6 spreads + flaps and pop-ups

Little readers will love seeing the fun pictures and lifting the flaps in these bright and colourful board book! There are six spreads, each with an entertaining pop-up under a flap and a simple question and answer.

  • Durable board book format.
  • Also available in larger format (220mm x 205mm).

Written by: Elizabeth Golding

Illustrated by:

Other books

in this series



Guess What?

TPS: 145mm x 155mm

Extent: 6 spreads + flaps and pop-ups

Little readers will love seeing the fun pictures and lifting the flaps in these bright and colourful board book! There are six spreads, each with an entertaining pop-up under a flap and a simple question and answer.

  • Durable board book format.
  • Also available in larger format (220mm x 205mm).

Written by: Elizabeth Golding

Illustrated by:


Other books

in this series


Fairytale Carousels

Jack and the bean stalk

TPS: 216mm x 162mm

Extent: 6 scenes, each with 4 layers

This collection of caroucels offers an amazing 3D visual depiction of a classic fairytale story through six key scenes. Each fairytale can be read from cover to cover, but the carousel also offers a new way to enjoy these well-loved children’s classics through different, multi-layered, paper scenes. This unique storytelling experience is great fun for young readers and a novel way to hold their attention.

  • Unique format for classic fairytale narratives.
  • Can be read alone or with help from a parent.
  • Full of bright and colourful illustrations.
  • Ribbon ties the covers together.
  • The opened book can be used as a decoration for a child’s room.
  • Range of classic fairytales available.

Written by:

Illustrated by: